Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rose Introduces Nystrom at Rally (3:34)

Wang Speaks at Rally (1:04)

Wang 2 at Rally (1:06)

Just Build it (0:51)

Suozzi speaks at Rally (0:44)

Suozzi 2 Speaks at hearing (2:41)

Howie Rose at Rally (0:32)

Lettherebelighthouse Speaks (2:50)

Bossy Speaks (3:06)

Murray welcomes everyone (6:26)

Bettman hears cheers (4:16)

Garden City Lady Speaks (7:51)

Botta Speaks at hearing (2:33)

Charles Wang Speaks (0:40)

Rally Outside Coliseum (0:30)

Nystrom Speaks at the hearing (2:02)

Suozzi speaks at hearing (6:48)

Nystrom up now

Bobby is speaking

Hofstra to open med school

Hearing started

Charles gets a 5 minute standing ovation followed by two videoes.

Joe Ra introduces ground rules

Charles and Kate

Just walked in together.

At hofstra

Here I am, row I, center stage, Hofstra University. The crowd moves
in. Waiting for the formal part to start. The on thing I noticed is
that this is more of a labor movement than an Islanders movement,
which I think is good.

First video
